Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week Five, part two

New Jersey vs. Boston:

I seems to recall a JB-Big Larry game in this league where Black was basically lost after about eight moves. I don't remember who was who but I think it was embarrassing enough for both of them that this game will quickly be steered into drawish channels. That leaves Boston with the odd White in the match which I think will garner them the minimum victory.

Baltimore vs. New York

Do we know that Lenderman was the soda can? Or was he the guy "You're So Vain" was about. In any case, the Knights should either fizz or gavot to victory. I'd reommened the latter. New York, 2.5 to whatever's left over.

Miami vs. Seattle:

Miami by a bottlenose.

San Francico vs. Los Angeles:

So will this rivalry take off? Can it ever be like the old days? I think San Franciso will push the new kids on the block around some. The 'Nics by a foul shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


(Be Serious)