With nothing at stake as far as this season goes, I don't think Manhattan will do anything to jeopardize their position in the draft. New England, 3-1.
Carolina vs. Philadelphia:
Let's be honest--we were all a little worried about Mike Shahade. But he seems to have found the form that once made him Chess Life cover boy. Philadelphia.
Boston vs. New York:
I think I lapsed into cliché last time and said something about New York wanting to "send a message" to New England. I'm sorry about that. And of course, my prediction was wrong. But how about this: New York this week wants to send a message to themselves. "Oooooooooh". Right? New York.
New Jersey vs. Baltimore:
So, picking up more or less where I left off, but this time it is only the two balloons that need to be filled in, as I have done the third one for you. I have not labelled which clue words go with which word balloons, but the left/right divider at bottom is where it is for a reason. In the words of Phil Donahue, "I'm not going to patronize you smart people". Baltimore.
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