Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week Two

New Jersey vs. Queens

Last week, New Jersey won their match despite Benjamin’s losing on board one, and Joel must have wondered how warm the consoling remarks from his teammates would have been had the team not won anyway. I think Joel will win this week and not find himself in that uncomfortable position. Queens, 2.5-1.5.

Philadelphia vs. Baltimore

The family that plays together, slays together. Baltimore, 2.5-1.5.

Boston vs. Carolina

These “Elo” numbers next to the players’ names are the coolest thing since sabermetrics. Boston, 2.5-1.5.

Miami vs. New York:

Miami just missed making the final last season, while New York’s brief history has featured a couple of agonizing near misses. A couple of unfamiliar names grace Miami’s lineup this week, while NY’s features the same old same old. This reflects the contrasting philosophies of the two teams: in Miami, if you can’t cut the mustard, it’s au revoir, sayonara, and hasta la vista while the New York team is more tradition-bound. So while one may envy NY their bonhomie, camaraderie and esprit de corps, the hard-minded bettor has to respect the more competitive attitude embraced by Miami. The Sharks, 2.5-1.5.

Chicago vs. San Francisco:

One nice thing about writing up these predictions here is that I can misspell “Bhat” all I like and there is no penalty, whereas if I’m playing Scrabble® or some other word game, “baht” is a SE Asian currency while “bhat” is a lost turn or lost points. If any of you have this problem too, remember this mnemonic I just thought of—“Vinay Bhat wears a size B hat”. San Francisco, 2.5-1.5.

Tennessee vs. Seattle:

O O O _ _

O _ O _ O

O O _ O _ _

_ O _ O O _

Answer Here:

“_ _ _ _ _ _ _” was off “_ _ _ _ _”

Sorry, but that is the best I could do format-wise. For the first word , unscramble "timvo" to make a five-letter word and use the "circled" letters in positions 1, 2 and 3 toward the final answer. From "tepns" use letters 1, 3 and 5 from the unscrambled word. Etc.

After that, you know the drill. Rearrange the circled letters to form the final answer as suggested by the cartoon (but I'm not going to explain what is said or happening there, because that would be to admit failure as a cartoonist).

Oh, and Seattle, 3-1.

Dallas vs. Arizona

“Bartholomew” is thought by some to derive from “Bar Ptolemy”, which is Ancient-speak for “son of Ptolemy”. As such, John Bartholomew may be related to Cleopatra. If so, it is possible that he is snake-bitten (oh, I see they’re the “scorpions”. Too late to go back now. Anyway, close enough). Therefore, I pick Arizona, 2.5-1.5.


Elizabeth Vicary said...

If you invent a religious cult, I will join it.

Ron Young said...

Well, let's not use the word "cult", all right? It doesn't test very well. Otherwise, thanks and I'll think about it, Miss Vicary (do you mind if I call you "Squeaky"?)

Tennessee Tempo said...

At least the league is coming up with creative ways to make fun of us in Tennessee. Which is more than I can say for the typical and socially inept boneheads this league primarily consists of ...*cough, cough, krasik, cough cough*

Anonymous said...

todd u r too sensetive i dont think hes making fun of you he says score will be 3-1, hes just making a cartoon.

Anonymous said...

I solved the jumble! Should I reveal the solution?

Ron Young said...

For the anonymous glory? If you like, although Greg made sure to let me know that he had figured it out. As far as I can see, the comments here appear only at the bottom so no one ought to be unpleasantly spoiled. Unless they read this page mainly for the comments, in which case, ƒµ¢k 'em.

Anonymous said...

ehlvest was off tempo.

but you were wrong they drew anyway!