Connecticut vs. New England:
I knew I wasn't going to be able to commit to doing something every week for ten weeks, but I did almost do a preseason prediction, but I must have run out of time, or something. I seem to recall liking Connecticut in the East. I still do. Let's say by 2.5-1.5.
That's FEYLAD, FUELIT, ITLAGS, and NOTHYP. I entered one box sideways to try to beat the scanner's smart features, though I ended up borrowing a friend's scanner and had no such problems. I did have a different annoying problem when googling and yahooing for possible phrases. I don't mind the "did you mean ....?", because sometimes I do mean "....", but here, it didn't even ASK if I meant something else, it just TOOK FOR GRANTED that I did, and didn't even give me the OPTION of searching for the phrase that I ACTUALLY TYPED and MEANT to type.Los Angeles vs. San Francisco:
I don't remember for sure who I was favoring in the West this year, or even if I got that far, but if I did, I think they are not around anymore. Anyway, San Francisco by 3-1.
Dallas vs. Miami:
INGAME*, THESEE, THEROX*, AMINES*. To explain the *s: In the case of INGAME, it is to acknowledge that there are at least two perfectly valid answers, but I figured since every single letter gets used in the final solution, it didn't matter that much. In the case of the other two, I think I had gotten confused about why I inserted the first asterisk, and did it because every letter was being used again. I do not mean to insult anybody's intelligence, but I figure the final answer is long enough that you deserved a break. Dallas by 2.5-1.5.
New York vs. Manhattan:
CALKJA, DUNLAP, USAENA, COOTLE. In the cold light of inebriation, this one is pretty strained. Also, I felt a bit of deja vu drawing this guy, but if I have in fact done him before, I am 99%+ confident the joke/pun/wordplay is different this time. New York by 3-1.
Having a lot of trouble with the first one. I have the letters "ifplayslayne", but cannot make it work.
Can I have a small hint?
Also is it bad that the CAPTCHA image was 666?
As far as the 666 thing goes, any time I can read them I'm happy. There will come a time where I am evicted/disconnected/plunged into darkness because I couldn't decipher a CAPCHA.
I have a feeling you simply made a transcribing error on the HYPNOT one, which I admit is rather serpentine, but is not venomous. There should be only one Y among your final bunch of letters. I was worried some might come up with "DEAFLY", which could conceivably appear as a word in some sources, but does not at .
I would as leif play on? Or some combination thereof :)
I had all the words correct the first time, just put them in the wrong boxes.
Well roared, lion. Or whatever the kids are saying today.
P.S. Wish my (to be safe) no-longer-if-she-ever-was were so easy to convince that I'm a human as the blogger page is.
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